Sunday, 20 May 2018

BCA215 - Computer Organization

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BCA215 - Computer Organization
Q1.  What do you mean by addressing modes? List the different types of addressing modes. 3+7
Answer. Addressing Modes
In general, a program operates on data that reside in the computer’s memory. These data can be organized in a variety of ways. If we want to keep track of students’ names, we can write them in a list. If we want to associate information with each name, for example to record telephone numbers or marks in various courses, we may organize this

Q2 Explain the programmer’s model of 8086. 10
Answer. The programmer’s model of 8086 is the most important concept to study in the 8086 model. Figure below shows the register organization of 8086. This is termed as the Programmer’s model of 8086. The registers shown in the programmer’s

Q3 Explain the process of fetching a word from the memory. 10
 Answer. To fetch a word of information from the memory CPU must specify the address of the memory location where this word is located and request a read operation. This includes whether the information to be fetched represents an instruction

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Q1. Write a note on replacement algorithms. 10
Answer. When a new block is to be  brought into the cache and all the positions that it may occupy are full, then the cache controller must decide which of the old blocks to overwrite. Because the programs usually stay in localized areas for a reasonable period of time, there is high probability that the blocks that have been referenced recently will be

Q2. Explain the concept of coprocessor. Also explain its functions. 4+6
Answer. Coprocessor
Coprocessor is a relatively new concept in the area of multiprocessing. A coprocessor refers to a computer processor which is utilized as an addition to the functions of the cpu (the primary processor). A coprocessor is also known as a math processor or a numeric processor. It is capable of carrying out large amount of computations, thereby

Q3. How CPU responds to an interrupt? 10
Answer. The CPU checks periodically to determine if an interrupt signal is pending. This check is usually done at the end of each instruction, although some modern machines allow for interrupts to be checked for several times during the execution of very long instructions. When the CPU detects an interrupt, it then saves its current state (at least the PC

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BCA214 - Communication Skills

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BCA214 - Communication Skills
Q1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication. Write a short note on the improvement of oral communication. 5+5=10
Answer. Advantages of oral communication:-
In oral communication there is a possibility of immediate response. This makes speedy interaction and immediate feedback possible. This is the biggest advantage of oral communication.
Another advantage is that the speaker can observe the listener's reaction to what is being stated.
Time saving: When action is

Q2. What is the difference between listening and hearing? Name the different types of listening. 5+5=10
Answer. Hearing is a passive process. It is merely the detection of sounds around us. Normally, we come across ‘hearing’ in certain situations. E.g.: When your lecturer reprimands you for some of your shortcomings, you just hear it without paying

Q3. Discuss the definition and meaning of reading. 10
Answer. The following are a few definitions regarding the process of reading.
• Reading is thinking under the stimulus of the printed page (Webster, 1982:30)
• Reading is a Psycho-

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BCA213 - Object Oriented Programming C++

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BCA213 - Object Oriented Programming C++
Q1. Differentiate between an external variable and an automatic variable with the help of an example. 10
Answer. Automatic variables is default variable in C++. All the variables we have created and used in programs are automatic variables. These variables can also be declared by prefixing the keyword auto. One of important characteristics of

Q2. What is “this pointer” in C++? What are the features of “this pointer”? [3+7]
Answer. The pointer is used as a pointer to the class object instance by the member function. The address of the class instance is passed as an implicit parameter to the member functions. The sample below, in this section shows how to use it. It is common knowledge that C++ keeps only one copy of each member function

Q3. Explain destructor in detail. 10
 Answer. Destructors are usually used to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object is destroyed. A destructor is called for a class object when that object passes out of scope or is

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Q1. What is Polymorphism? What are the different types of Polymorphism? 3+7
Answer. Polymorphism means same content but different forms. In C++, polymorphism enables the same program code calling different functions of different classes. Imagine a situation where you would like to create a class shape and derive classes such as rectangle, circle, triangle etc. Let us suppose each of the classes has a member function draw() that causes the object to be drawn on the screen. You would like to write a common code as

Q2. Explain sequence containers. 10
Answer. STL provides a number of container types, representing objects that contain other objects. The STL contains sequence containers and associative containers. The standard sequence containers include vector, deque and list

Q3. Discuss the following functions of file operations
a) tellg ()
b) seekp ()
c) ignore ()
d) getline () 2.5x4
Answer. a) tellg()
tellg() – Returns an int type, that shows the current position of the inside-pointer. This one works only when you read a file. Example:
#include <

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BCA212 - Data Structure and Algorithm

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BCA212 - Data Structure and Algorithm
Q1. Explain Adjacency Matrix and Incidence matrix form of representing a graph.  5+5
Answer. Adjacency matrix
It is a two-dimensional Boolean matrix to store the information about the graph nodes. Here the rows and columns represent source and destination vertices and entries in the matrix indicate whether an edge exists between the vertices

Q2. Explain in detail the traversing and searching of linked list.  5+5
Answer. Traversing a Linked List Traversing a linked list means processing each node of list exactly once. The linked list in

Q3. Discuss the stack data structure with Push () and Pop () operation. 10
Answer. A stack is a data structures in which insertion and deletion of items are made at the one end, called the top of the stack

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Q1. Write the Algorithm for sorting by Partitioning.
Answer. In merge sort, the file a[1:n] was divided at its midpoint into sub arrays which were independently sorted and later merged.
In quick sort,

Q2. Explain the Concept of travelling Salesman Problem 
Answer.  A tour of G is a directed simple cycle that includes every vertex in V. The cost of the tour is the sum of the cost of the edges on the tour. The travelling salesperson problem is to find a tour of minimum cost. Let G=(V,E) be a

Q3. Explain how Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to find the shortest path of Directed weighted graph.
This algorithm is used to find the shortest path between the two vertices in a weighted directed graph and it is also very popular and efficient to find each and every path from starting (source) to terminal vertices.  Let w(vi , vj ) be the weight associated with every edge (vi , vj ) in a given weighted directed graph G.  Let us define that the weights are such that the

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BCA211 - Operating System

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BCA211 - Operating System
Q1. What are the components of UNIX Kernel? 10
Answer. The UNIX kernel s divided in to three modes: user mode, kernel mode, and hardware. The user mode contains user programs

Q2. Discuss First-Come-First-Served scheduling algorithm. 10
Answer. This is one of the brute force algorithms. A process that requests for the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. Hence, the name first come first serve.  The FCFS algorithm is implemented by using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue structure

Q3. a) What are the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur?
b) Write a note on Resource Allocation Graph. 4+6
 Answer. a) A deadlock occurs in a system if the following four conditions hold simultaneously:
1)      Mutual exclusion:
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Q1. Discuss the concept of Direct Memory Access.  10
Answer. In most mini and mainframe computer systems, a great deal of input and output occurs between the disk system and the processor. It would be very inefficient to perform these operations directly through the processor;
Q2. Explain demand paging in virtual memory system.  10
Answer. Demand paging is similar to paging with swapping (Refer figure below). When a process is to be executed then only that page of the process, which needs to be currently executed, is swapped into memory. Thus, only necessary pages

Q3. What are the different forms of Encryption in Distributed System? 10
Answer. Encryption in a distributed environment can be of two forms:
 • End-to-end encryption
• Link encryption
 If end-to-end

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BBA603 - Role of International Financial Institutions

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Bachelor of Business Administration
BBA Semester 6
BBA603 - Role of International Financial Institutions
Q1. What do you mean by International Finance? What are the various emerging trends in global trade?
Explain International Finance
Elaborate the various emerging trends in global trade
Answer. International Finance
International finance is the branch of economics that broadly studies monetary and macroeconomic relationship between nations. It studies capital flows among nation, exchange rate fluctuations, balance of trade, tax policies effects, and other

Q2. What are the various factors that influence the exchange rates?
Elaborate the factors that influence the exchange rate
Answer. Although in a free market the exchange rate should be determined by the demand and supply of currencies, there are many

Q3. What do you mean by Letter of Credit (LC)? What are the various types of Letter of Credit?
Explain Letter of Credit (LC)
Explain the various types of Letter of Credit
Answer. Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit (LC) is one of the methods of making trade payment while dealing with unknown exporters or importers. LC is one of the most secured modes of payment for international traders, especially when the foreign buyer’s reliable credit information is not there. The exporter has to be content with

Q4. Write short notes on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Answer. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)-
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is an international financial development institution and is the first of the five-member institutions which make up the World Bank Group. IBRD has been constituted

Q5. Write a short note on Asian Development Bank (ADB). What are the various criticisms that are made for the ADB?
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Explain criticisms that are made for the ADB
Answer. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was originally a brain child of some influential Japanese in 1962, since they felt that the World Bank was not able to successfully serve the interest in Asia. This was also supported by the

Q6. Write a short note on China’s Yuan Revolution and Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF)?
China’s Yuan Revolution
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF)
Answer. China’s Yuan Revolution-
Time and again, remarks and statements from top officials of Central Bank of China have indicated that the yuan or Renminbi, the official currency of China, has started to show its potential
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BBA602 - Management Development and Skills

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Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA Semester 6
BBA602 - Management Development and Skills

Q1. What do you mean by Directing? Explain the principles of Directing.
Answer. Direction is a vital function of management as it is concerned with action and not thought. It is the process of instructing, guiding, supervising and motivating people towards the

Q2. What is Creative Thinking? Discuss the importance of Creative thinking. Explain the process of Creative Thinking.
Answer. Critical thinking emphasizes analysis and understanding of how people assert themselves, give explanations, derive solutions, select the right path to tread on and move away from the wrong one. On

Q3. Explain the concept of Time Management. Discuss the Steps involved in Time management.
Answer. Time management is not a new concept; it has been in practice from the time of the sages, who used to divide the day into different parts, with each part dedicated to a different task, such as the mornings dedicated to prayer and exercise because of low temperatures and peaceful surroundings,

Q4. Suppose you have joined as a Manager in an organization and you are asked to negotiate on a particular issue. What according to you are the principles of Negotiation? Explain the steps in the process of negotiation.
Answer. The twelve basic principles of negotiations given by Marvin Gottlieb and William J. Healy in their book Making Deals: The Business of Negotiating are:
1.      The greatest

Q5. Discuss the qualities required to become an effective leader.
Answer. A leader should have specific leadership qualities so as to provide effective leadership. According to Henry Fayol, a leader exhibits the following qualities:
(i) Physical strength and fitness
(ii) Mental

Q6. Write a short note on the following:
a) Impact Analysis
b) Catwoe Analysis
Answer. a) Impact Analysis
Impact analysis is a challenging exercise carried out in order to capture and structure all the potential consequences of a decision at first and secondly to ensure that they are managed

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