Sunday, 15 February 2015

MF0012–Taxation Management

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MF0012–Taxation Management-4 Credits
(Book ID: 1759)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions (with 300 to 400 words each) must be written within 6-8 pages. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. Explain the objectives of tax planning. Discuss the factors to be considered in tax planning.
Answer. Objectives of tax planning
Ø  Reduction of tax liability by utilizing the benefits available in the tax laws.
Ø  Informed and pragmatic financial decision: A person adds the dimension of tax incidence in his decision making on financial matters and it helps him to optimize his decisions.
Ø  Discharging a citizen's duty: when it comes to pay tax it is breathtaking situation for every person, they tries to hide earned income and skip paying income tax but these are very illegal methods of reducing tax liability and increasing the black money. Tax planning provides the
Q2. Explain the categories in Capital assets. Mr. C acquired a plot of land on 15th June, 1993 for 10, 00,000 and sold it on 5th January, 2010 for 41, 00,000. The expenses of transfer were 1, 00,000.Mr. C made the following investments on 4th February, 2010 from the proceeds of the plot.
A) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation redeemable after a period of three years, 12, 00,000.
B) Deposits under Capital Gain Scheme for purchase of a residential house 8, 00,000 (he does not own any house).Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax for the AY 2010-11.
Answer. Categories of capital assets
1. Short term capital assets
A short term capital assets means as per u/s 2(42A) a capital asset held by an assesses for not more than (a) twelve months before its transfer in case of companies equity & preference shares or any other security listed in a recognized stock exchange or units of mutual funds and UTI or zero coupon bond and (b) 36 months before its transfer in the case of any other asset.
2. Long term capital assets
Any capital asset other than a short term capital asset is termed as a long term capital asset. When gains arising from the transfer of long term capital assets are called Long term capital gains. It qualifies
Q3. Explain major considerations in capital structure planning. Write about the dividend policy and factors affecting dividend decisions.
 Answer. There are three major considerations in capital structure planning, i.e. risk, cost of capital and control, which help the finance manager in determining the proportion in which he can raise funds from various sources.
Risk- Risk is of two kinds, i.e. financial risk and business risk. Here we are concerned primarily with the financial risk.
Q4. X Ltd. has Unit C which is not functioning satisfactorily. The following are the details of its fixed assets:
Date of acquisition
Book value (Rs. lakh)
Goodwill (raised in books on 31st March, 2005)
10th February, 2003

5th April, 1999
12th April, 2004


The written down value (WDV) is Rs. 25 lakh for the machinery, and Rs.15 lakh for the plant. The liabilities on this Unit on 31st March, 2011 are Rs.35 lakh.
The following are two options as on 31st March, 2011:
Option 1: Slump sale to Y Ltd for a consideration of 85 lakh.
Option 2: Individual sale of assets as follows: Land Rs.48 lakh, goodwill Rs.20 lakh, machinery Rs.32 lakh, and Plant Rs.17 lakh. The other units derive taxable income and there is no carry forward of loss or depreciation for the company as a whole. Unit C was started on 1st January, 2005. Which option would you choose, and why?
Answer.                                           Option 1: Slump sale
Q5. Explain the Service Tax Law in India and concept of negative list. Write about the exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law.
Answer. Service Tax is a tax levied on the transaction of certain specified services by the Central Government under the Finance Act, 1994. It is an indirect tax, which means that normally the service provider pays the tax and recovers the amount from the recipient of taxable service. In certain cases Government may shift the liability of payment of service tax to the receiver of service as a measure of administrative convenience. It is often referred to as ‘reverse charge’ in common
Q6. What do you understand by customs duty? Explain the taxable events for imported, warehoused and exported goods. List down the types of duties in customs. An importer imports goods for subsequent sale in India at $10,000 on assessable value basis. Relevant exchange rate and rate of duty are as follows:


Exchange Rate Declared by CBE&C

Rate of Basic Customs Duty

Date of submission of bill of entry

25th February, 2010



Date of entry inwards granted to the vessel
5th March, 2010

Calculate assessable value and customs duty.
Answer. A tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state revenue, and/or to protect domestic industries from more efficient or predatory competitors from abroad.
Custom duty: the word custom comes from Sanskrit word "kashtam" which means difficulty. When goods imported into the country from another country which creates a taxable events therefore it is
                                                    = 46,350

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