Friday, 26 August 2016

OM0012–Supply Chain Management

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
OM0012–Supply Chain Management
(Book ID:-B1542)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions (with 300 to 400 words each) must be written within 6-8 pages. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. Mention some of the key issue of supply chain management.
Answer. Some of the key issue of supply chain is given below:-
1. Globalization of manufacturing operation
With the globalization of manufacturing operations, having a global procurement network that can support and react to your supply chain needs is important. According to many chief procurement officers, selecting a strategic supplier that provides manufacturing locations with consistent global

Q2. Discuss the issues that are considered while making network design decision.
Answer. It is important to differentiate between problem analysis and decision-making. Traditionally, it is argued that problem analysis must be done first, so that the information gathered in that process may be used towards decision-making.

1. Integrate the Internet with the existing physical network – To extract maximum benefit from e- businesses, firms should integrate it with their existing supply chain networks. Separating the two networks often results in inefficiencies within the supply chain. This coupling of e-business with the existing physical network has been referred to as clicks-and-mortar.

Q3. What are the external factors that produce impact on the purchasing strategies?
Answer. A business is a vulnerable entity that is at the whim of external forces, be they financial, political, technological, socio-cultural or environmental. These factors all have ramifications for procurement, from price negotiation to trade and supplier management.
Part of the battle first understands how external factors can affect procurement.

Q4. Explain the methods used to create effective forecasts.
A. Judgment method
B. Market research method
C. Time-series method
D. Casual method
Answer. A. Judgment method: - Judgmental forecasting methods incorporate intuitive judgment, opinions and subjective probability estimates. Judgmental forecasting is used in cases where there is lack of historical data or during completely new and unique market conditions. Judgmental methods include:
·       Composite forecasts
·       Cooke's method
·       Delphi method
·       Forecast by analogy

Q5. Write a short note on centralized versus decentralized control in supply chain integration.
Answer. A supply chain (SC) is a network of suppliers, production facilities, warehouses and markets designed to acquire raw materials, manufacture and store and distribute products among the markets. The entire process is driven by the demand generated at the markets.  Organizations often have complex distributed supply chains and operating them optimally becomes a challenging task. One of the major problems in managing supply chain networks is the lack of collaboration among the different entities including raw material suppliers, production sites, warehouses and retailers. The

Q6.Trace the latest development in electronic procurement and explain its benefit.
Answer. E-procurement (electronic procurement, sometimes also known as supplier exchange) is the business-to-business or business-to-consumer or business-to-government purchase and sale of supplies, work, and services through the Internet as well as other information and networking systems, such as electronic data interchange and enterprise resource planning.
The e-procurement value chain consists of indent management, e-Informing, e-Tendering, e-Auctioning, vendor management, catalogue management, Purchase Order Integration, Order Status,

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OM0013–Advance Production and Operation Management

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
OM0013–Advance Production and Operation Management
(Book ID:-B1935)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions (with 300 to 400 words each) must be written within 6-8 pages. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. What is work measurement? Discuss the various techniques of work measurement.
Answer. Explanation of work measurement:- Work Measurement Study is a general term used to describe the systematic application of industrial engineering techniques to establish the work content and time it should take to complete a task or series of tasks. Work measurement is a productivity improvement tool. Before improvements can be made, the current productivity level of an organization must be measured. This measurement is then used as a baseline to determine if improvement projects have resulted in genuine improvement.

Q2. Explain the meaning and characteristics of a product.
Answer. Meaning of a product: - A product is the item offered for sale. A product can be a service or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form. Every product is made at a cost and each is sold at a price. The price that can be charged depends on the market, the quality, the marketing and the segment that is targeted. Each product has a useful life after which it needs replacement, and a life cycle after which it has to be re-invented. In FMCG parlance, a brand can be revamped, re-launched or extended to make it more relevant to the segment and times, often keeping the product almost

Q3. Define the Process of Production Planning and Control.
Answer. Production planning is the planning of production and manufacturing modules in a company or industry. It utilizes the resource allocation of activities of employees, materials and production capacity, in order to serve different customers.
Different types of production methods, such as single item manufacturing, batch production, mass production, continuous production etc. have their own type of production planning. Production planning can be combined with production control into production planning and control, or it can be

Q4. What do you understand by the term ‘inventory’? Explain various types of inventories.
Answer. Inventory or stock refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate purpose of resale (or repair).
Inventory management is a science primarily about specifying the shape and placement of stocked goods. It is required at different locations within a facility or within many locations of a supply network to precede the regular and planned course of production and stock of materials.
The scope of inventory management concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for inventory,

Q5. Explain the Process of Quality Control.
Answer. Quality control, or QC for short, is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. ISO 9000 defines quality control as "A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements".
This approach places an emphasis on three aspects:
Elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed processes, performance and integrity criteria, and identification of records
Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications

Q6. Write short notes on the following:
A. Alfred Weber’s theory of industrial location
B. Influence of government on industry location
C. Objectives of an effective plant layout
D. Factors affecting a plant layout
Answer. A. Alfred Weber’s theory of industrial location
Alfred Weber, a German economist, enunciated a systematic theory of industrial location in 1909. Weber’s theory of location is purely deductive in its approach. He analyzed the factors that determine the location of industry and classified these factors into two divisions. These are:
(i) Primary causes of regional distribution of industry (regional factors)
(ii) Secondary causes (agglomerative and deglomerative factors) that are responsible for redistribution of industry.

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OM0011–Enterprises Resource Planning

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
OM0011–Enterprises Resource Planning
(Book ID:-B1964)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions (with 300 to 400 words each) must be written within 6-8 pages. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. Define Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Briefly explain the major benefits of an ERP system.
Answer. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a category of business-management software—typically a suite of integrated applications—that an organization can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities, including:
Ø  product planning, purchase
Ø  manufacturing or service delivery
Ø  marketing and sales
Ø  inventory management
Ø  shipping and payment
Ø  finance

Q2. Write short notes on the following:
A. Decision Support System (DSS)
B. Executive Information System (EIS)
C. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
D. Management Information System (MIS)
Answer. A. Decision Support System (DSS)
 A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help people make decisions about problems that may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance—i.e. Unstructured and Semi-Structured decision problems. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized,

Q3. Explain the different phases of an ERP implementation life cycle.
Answer. Initial investment in acquiring and implementing an ERP system is substantial in terms of both human efforts and financial resources. After, successful implementation, the system goes to maintenance mode and organizations start getting value out of their investment. The process of reimplementation and beginning of a new cycle starts.

Q4. Explain the role of manufacturing and production planning module of an ERP system. Briefly explain the sub-modules of the manufacturing module.
Answer. Functionalities of production module:
Ø  Production order control.
Ø  Production order planning.
Ø  Production order statistics.
Ø  Production order subcontracting.
Ø  Production material issues

Q5. Explain the role of ERP in sales and distribution. Briefly explain the sub-modules of the sales and distribution module.
Answer. To keep pace with rapid changes in the business world, companies need an integrated and flexible enterprise system that supports all aspects of their business with state-of-the-art functionality. This innovative solution should upgrade effortlessly and interface easily with third-party applications as well as have the ability to incorporate existing systems while extending its reach to the Internet and e-commerce. Eresource ERP system is tightly integrated with the Sales and Distribution module.

Q6. Define the role of vendors and consultants in ERP implementation.
Answer. Nowadays, the ERP market is facing stiff competition due to increasing number of vendors. These vendors strive hard to fulfill the needs of customers by providing unique and innovative ERP packages. Some of the renowned ERP vendors are:
Ø  BAAN Company
Ø  Oracle Corporation
Ø  People Soft
Ø  JD Edwards World Solutions Company
Ø  Systems Software Associates Inc. (SSA)

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MU0013-HR Audit

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MU0013-HR Audit
(Book ID: B1735)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
Answer. Meaning of Human Resource Planning; Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff comprises the “right person for doing the job”. It includes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more.
It is the process of acquiring and utilising human resource in an organization. The main objective is to ensure that an organisation has the right number of employees in the right place at the right time.

Q2. Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit process?
Answer. Methods used in the HR Audit process are:
In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available for the company, the auditors conduct individual interviews with the members of the top management. The top management can provide a perspective for a good HR audit. To collect information about the effectiveness of the Human Resource Development System, organisational

Q3. What are the areas of HR Audit? Explain any four of them.
Answer. Areas:-
1. Planning,
2. Staffing and Development,
3. Organizing,
4. Commitment,

Q4. What do you mean by HR Scorecard? Explain the steps undertaken to approach a Human Resource Scorecard.
Answer. HR scorecard measures the HR function's effectiveness and efficiency in producing employee behaviors needed to achieve the company's strategic goals. In order to achieve that you would need to:
Ø  Know what the company's strategy is
Ø  Understand the causal links between HR activities, employee behaviors, organizational outcomes, and the organization's performance
Ø  And have metrics to measure all the activities and results involved.
These are steps required to develop HR score card:

Q5. Write a brief note on the effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention.
Answer. Understanding Organizational Performance and Management
Organizational change should not be conducted for the sake of change. Organizational change efforts should be geared to improve the performance of organizations and the people in those organizations. Therefore, it‘s useful to have some understanding of what is meant by ―performance‖ and the various methods to manage performance in organizations.

Q6. What do you mean by Employee Orientation Programmes? List out some points of Good employee orientation programmes.
Answer. Employee orientation is part of a long-term investment in a new employee. It is an initial process that provides easy access to basic information, programs and services, gives clarification and allows new employees to take an active role in their organization.
Ø  Introduce new employees to their new environment
Ø  Make new employees feel welcome and comfortable
Ø  Retain a pool of new, capable employees

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MU0012-Employee Relations Management

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MU0012-Employee Relations Management-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1734)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization.
Answer. Definition of Strategy Johnson and Scholes define strategy as “The direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term; which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholders’ expectations.”
The main levels of strategy of an organisation are:

Q2. What do you mean by Human Resource Information System (HRIS)? Describe the various modules of HRIS. Discuss some of the HRIS.
Answer. Definition of HRIS; - Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) is a software application that caters to the human resource information needs of an organisation like monitoring employee attendance, payroll and benefits administration, career development, employee information, performance management, and training.

Q3. As an HR of a Company, you are asked to focus on the causes of Grievance and the Grievance handling procedure. What according to you are the reasons of Grievance? Explain the pre-requisites you will consider while addressing Grievance handling procedure.
Answer. Causes of Grievance; - Grievance may be defined as a complaint or resentment against any unjust or unfair act. Grievance is any issue associated with an organisation or its management such as employee discrimination or harassment by managers.
Reasons for grievances
Q4. Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues.
Answer. The collective bargaining process comprises of five core steps:
1. Prepare: This phase involves composition of a negotiation team. The negotiation team should consist of representatives of both the parties with adequate knowledge and skills for negotiation. In this phase both the employer’s representatives and the union examine their own situation in order to develop the issues that they believe will be most important. The first thing to be done is to determine whether there is actually any reason to negotiate at all. A correct understanding of the main issues to be covered and intimate knowledge of operations, working conditions,

Q5. What is a Trade Union and what are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
Answer. A trade union is an organisation made up of members (a membership-based organisation) and its membership must be made up mainly of workers. One of a trade union's main aims is to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace.
Most trade unions are independent of any employer. However, trade unions try to develop close working relationships with employers. This can sometimes take the form of a partnership agreement between the employer and the trade union which identifies their common interests and objectives.

Q6. Write a brief note on the following: -
a) Trait theory
b) ERG theory
Answer. a) Meaning and concept of Trait theory: -
The measurement of consistent patterns of habit in an individual's behavior, thoughts, and emotions. The theory is based on the stability of traits over time, how they differ from other

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MU0011-Management and Organisational Development

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MU0011-Management and Organisational Development-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1726)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD.
Answer. Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned effort to increase an organization's relevance and viability. Organizational Development (OD) can be described as the systematic process to change the culture, system and behavior of organization. It is process that helps in solving organizational problems and achieving organizational objectives. Organizational Development works as important mechanism that helps in impressing the organization and its employee through planned and established system. It concentrates on people dimensions like norms, values, attitudes, relationships, organizational culture etc. The strategies of Organizational

Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
Answer. To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes which are listed below:
1. Intrapersonal skills: As OD is a highly, uncertain process which requires constant adjustment and innovation, OD practitioner must possess good learning skills and must have values, feelings, purposes and integrity that helps in building the relationships in a smooth and cordial way.
2. Interpersonal skills: An OD practitioner helps to gain the competence which is required to solve problems. So, in order to build and maintain the relationships the OD practitioner must consider the concepts of group dynamics, cultural perspectives, and business function. These constitute

Q3. What are the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD?
Answer. An ethical dilemma is typically described as a complex situation that involves a conflict between different morals. Ethical dilemmas are commonly found in medicine. For example, deciding whether or not to install a feeding tube on a comatose patient could constitute an ethical dilemma. There are three conditions that must be present for a situation to be considered an ethical dilemma. The first condition occurs in situations when an individual, called the “agent,” must make a decision about which course of action is best. Situations that are uncomfortable but

Q.4.What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and characteristics of Performance Appraisal? Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System.
Answer. Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways which are as follows:
Ø  The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans
Ø  The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
Ø  The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.

Q5. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain the various learning disciplines in learning organization.
Answer. Definition of a Learning organization: - An organisation that learns and encourages learning among its people. It promotes exchange of information between employees hence creating a more knowledgeable workforce. This produces a very flexible organisation where people will accept and adapt to new ideas and changes through a shared vision
Organization that acquires knowledge and innovates fast enough to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Learning organizations
(1) Create a culture that encourages and supports continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and risk taking with new ideas,

Q6. Write short notes:
a) Role Analysis Technique (RAT)
b) Reward Systems
Answer. a) Meaning and steps in RAT
It is designed to clarify role expectation. Role Analysis Techniques (RAT) has been developed by Dayal (1969) for redefining the managerial roles in an organisation.
• Role analysis is used to clarify the role discrepancies, which boss and subordinates may have about each other, leading to improved group cohesiveness and functioning.
• Role expectation are those behaviors of one member expected or prescribed by other group members, while role conception refers to the focal person’s own ideas about appropriate role behaviors.

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MU0010–Manpower Planning and Resourcing

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MU0010–Manpower Planning and Resourcing-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1765)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Define the term ‘manpower planning’. Explain the need for manpower planning. What are the advantages of manpower planning?
Answer. Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource Planning has got an important place in the arena of industrialization. Human Resource Planning has to be a systems approach and is carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows:
Ø  Analyzing the current manpower inventory

Q2. What do you mean by manpower forecasting? Why is it necessary? Explain the types of manpower forecasting.
Answer. Manpower planning:
The prediction of future levels of demand for, and supply of, workers and skills at organizational, regional, or national level. A variety of techniques are used in manpower forecasting, including the statistical analysis of current trends and the use of mathematical models. At national level, these include the analysis of census statistics; at organizational level, projections of future requirements may be made from sales and production figures. Manpower forecasting forms part

Q3. The latest trend in recruitment is the ‘E-Recruitment’. Write a brief note on this ‘E-recruitment’.
Answer. E-recruitment includes those practices and activities carried on by the organization through internet with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. (Online recruitment is another name of e-recruitment). E-Recruitment or recruitment is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic resources, in particular the internet. Companies and recruitment agents have moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by which candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Using database technologies, and online job advertising boards and search engines, employers can now fill posts in a fraction of

Q4. Explain the necessity and types of induction.
Answer. An induction program is the process used within many businesses to welcome new employees to the company and prepare them for their new role.
Induction training should, according to TPI-theory, include development of theoretical and practical skills, but also meet interaction needs that exist among the new employees.
A typical induction program will include at least some of the following:
Ø  Any legal requirements (for example in the, some Health and Safety training is obligatory)
Ø  Any regulatory requirements (for example in the banking sector certain forms need to be completed)

Q5. Define talent engagement. Why is it important? What are the driving factors of talent engagement?
Answer. Also called worker engagement is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work". Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organizational culture. Employee engagement was described in the academic

Q6. Many organizations closely observe the employee exits and are managing the exit process professionally in order to reduce the employee turnover. Describe such employee exit process and operational responsibilities. Differentiate between exit surveys and exit interviews.
Answer. Employee Exit Management is the process within organizations dealing with the termination of the employment of employees. It applies to both employees who have resigned voluntarily and those that have been terminated by the company through a layoff or dismissal.
A wide array of value can be obtained during the exit interview process. One management goal should most certainly be to get to the bottom of why the employee is leaving, if they are doing so voluntarily. It is also an opportunity for you to learn information that will enable transfer of

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MF0013-Internal Audit & Control

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MF0013-Internal Audit & Control
(Book ID: 1733)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Distinguish between Government audit and Specific audit. Explain types of Government and Specific Audit?
Distinguish between Government audit and Specific audit. - 5
Explain types of Government and Specific Audit? - 5
Answer. Distinguish between Government audit and Specific audit:
Government audit is yet another variety of general audit. Government audit is a particular variety of external audit done by the CAG, concerned exclusively with government activity.
A specific audit is one which is limited in its scope in terms of coverage of areas, events or period. Generally, the objectives of specific audit are established before the audit starts. The objectives are specific, like detection of a suspected fraud, ascertainment of profits for declaration of interim

Q2. Write the similarity and dissimilarity of Internal and External Audit? Explain the Cooperation between external and internal auditor.
Similarity and Dissimilarity of Internal and External Audit - 5
Co-operation between external and internal Auditor - 5
Answer. Similarity
1. Evaluation of the internal control systems of the entity.
2. Correctness of accounting documentation, bookkeeping and financial reporting.
3. Verification of assets.

Q3. The audit firm follows certain policies and procedures. Explain the quality control policies adopted by an audit firm.
Explanation of all the 12 points under audit firm - 10
Answer. 12 Points:
1. The audit firm should ensure that all audits comply with auditing standards, and accordingly the firm has to design and implement quality control policies and procedures.
2. The quality control policies to be adopted by an audit firm will usually include the following:
(a) Professional requirements: The firm’s personnel have to follow the principles of independence, objectivity, confidentiality, integrity and professional behaviour.

Q4. Explain the basic principles of governing internal control.
Answer. Principles of governing internal control:-
 1. Objectives and Purpose of Internal Control
Internal control comprises preventive actions as well as daily and subsequent controls needed to ensure the achievement of business objectives. Internal control plays an active role in company management, administration and daily operations.
Objectives of internal control are:
• Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
• Reliability of financial and operational reporting
• Compliance with laws, agreements and policies
• safeguarding assets and information

Q5. Discuss the specific problems of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) relating to internal control.
Answer. In an EDP system, the following problems arise in the implementation of internal control:
a) Separation of duties:
In a manual system, separate individuals are responsible for initiating transactions, recording transactions, and custody of assets. As a basic control, separation of duties prevents of detects errors and irregularities. In a computer system, however, the traditional notion of separation of duties does not always apply. For example, as program may reconcile a vendor invoice against a receiving document and print a cheque for the amount owed to a creditor. Thus, this program is performing functions that in a manual systems would be considered incompatible.

Q6. Explain the factors for having the effective internal control system for a bank.
Answer. An effective internal control system requires that the material risks that could adversely affect the achievement of the bank’s goals are being recognized and continually assessed. This assessment should cover all risks facing the bank and the consolidated banking organization (that is, credit risk, country and transfer risk, market risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk and reputational risk). Internal controls may need to be revised to appropriately address any new or previously uncontrolled risks.

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