Wednesday, 27 February 2019

MBA105-Managerial Economics

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 1
MBA105-Managerial Economics
Set - 1
Q1. Define Demand Forecasting. Elucidate the determinants of supply.
Demand Forecasting                 5
Determinants of Supply            5
Answer. Meaning and Features of Demand Forecasting:
Demand forecasting seeks to investigate and measure the forces that determine sales for existing and new products. Generally companies plan their business - production or sales in anticipation

Q2. State the Law of Demand and also discuss the various exceptions to the law of demand
Define law of Demand with suitable diagram         (3+2=5)
State any five exceptions to Law of Demand              5
Answer. The law of demand:
The law of demand explains the relationship between price and quantity demanded of a commodity. It says that demand varies inversely with the price. The law can be explained in the following manner, “Keeping other factors that affect demand constant, a fall in price of a product leads

Q3. Define business cycle and some of the causes of business cycles.
Define Business Cycle                  5
Causes of Business Cycle            5
Answer. Business Cycle:                 
The business cycle is the natural rise and fall of economic growth that occurs over time. The cycle is a useful tool for analyzing the economy. It can also help you make better financial decisions. Each business cycle has four phases. They are expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. They don’t occur at regular intervals. But they do have recognizable indicators. An

Set - 2
Q1. Explain the equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition in the long run
Define Perfect Competition                              2
Equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition in the long runs               8
Answer. Perfect Competition:
Perfect competition is a comprehensive term which includes pure competition too. Before we discuss the details of perfect competition, it is necessary to have a clear idea regarding the nature and characteristics of pure competition. Under these conditions, no individual producer

Q2. Define Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy. Write down any four objectives of both Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Meaning of Monetary & Fiscal Policy                 5
Objectives of Monetary and Fiscal Policy           5
Answer.  Monetary policy:-
Monetary policy can be explained in two different ways. In a narrow sense, it is concerned with administering and controlling a country’s money supply including currency notes and coins, credit money, level of interest rates and managing the exchange rates. In a broader sense, monetary policy deals with all those monetary and non-monetary measures and

Q3. Explain Oligopoly. Explain the features of oligopoly market.
Define Oligopoly                                                  2
Features of Oligopoly Market (any eight)        8
Answer. Oligopoly:
The term oligopoly is derived from two Greek words “Oligoi” means a few and ‘Poly’ means to sell. Under oligopoly, we come across a few producers specialising in the production of identical goods or differentiated goods competing with one another. The products traded by the oligopolists may be differentiated or homogeneous. In the case of the former, we can give the example of the automobile industry where different model of cars, ambassador, fiat, etc., are

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