Wednesday, 1 June 2016

MH0051-Health Administration

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MH0051-Health Administration
(Book ID: B1212)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions must be written within 300 to 400 words each. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. Explain the healthcare delivery systems in India and their functions.
Answer. In India, it represented by five major sectors or agencies which differ from each other by the health technology applied and by the source of funds for operation.
1. Public Health Sector
(a) Primary health care
Ø  Primary health centres
Ø  sub‐centres

Q2. Discuss the National health programs for blindness and cancer.
Answer. Control of Blindness activities started during 1972–73, as Trachoma Control Programme. From 1976–77 it was converted into National Programme for Control of Blindness. It is 100% centrally sponsored programme.
Cataract is the main reason for the blindness and 62% of the blinds in the State are due to cataract only. The goal set for the terminal year of the 10th Plan is to reduce the prevalence of blindness to 0.8% by 2007.

Q3. List the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place. Discuss their prevention methods.
Answer. Listing the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place:
The most common type of occupational diseases is:
• Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndromes (MCS)
• Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Q4. Define health insurance. Explain the relationship and problems in hospitals/TPAs and Insurance companies.
Answer. Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly. It is often included in employer benefit packages as a means of enticing quality employees. The cost of health insurance premiums is deductible to the payer, and benefits received are tax-free.
Health insurance can be directly purchased by an individual, or it may be provided through an employer. Medicare and Medicaid are programs which provide health insurance to elderly, disabled, or un-insured individuals.

Q5. Discuss the government programs for nurturing newborns.
Answer. Listing the government programs for nurturing newborns:
• Home-based new born care
• Facility based new born care
• Promotion of Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN)
• Child nutrition in the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) programme-Breastfeeding

Q6. Explain the management methods and techniques of health planning.
Answer. Mentioning the management methods and techniques:
Management methods and techniques of health planning:
Ø  Balance of essential services
Ø  Decentralisation
Ø  Community participation
Ø  Specific Management Issues

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