Sunday, 31 May 2020

MKT404 - International Marketing

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Master of Business Administration - MBA
MKT404 – International Marketing
Q.1: Differentiate Domestic marketing from International marketing
Domestic Vs international Marketing       10
Domestic vs. International Marketing :

Though the principles of marketing have universal applications, it does not mean that the marketing strategy that works in a certain domestic market may be extended as such to international markets. A marketer has to design and implement a marketing strategy in such a manner so as to satisfy the customers in a more competitive way, compared to other players operating in the market. As

Q.2: Explain WTO and list its functions
WTO       5
Functions of WTO        5
WTO  :
The WTO governs over 90% of the world trade. Thus, its main objective is to trade liberalisation through free market economy. By trade liberalisation, the WTO helps its member countries in raising the living standards and economic growth. Sometimes, trade liberalisation only suits the developed countries; the DCs and LDCs are deprived of the benefits of free

Q.3: Detail Scope of International marketing research
Scope of International marketing research        10
Scope of International Marketing Research:
International marketing research has a broader scope than domestic research as it deals with multi-country research. Effective international marketing strategies are made with the help of an in-depth understanding of the market environment of the business. Managers will need additional information to compensate for the lack of familiarity with the foreign environment.

Q.1: Explain International Product Development Process
International Product Development Process     10
Product Development Process :
International product development process includes Idea generation, idea screening, business analysis & forecasting, product development and testing and it will be tested in the market in a specified area. The feedback from the testing will be taken into account and final process is Commercialization. Figure. illustrates a typical product development process. and the explanation of the development process is

Q.2 : Detail various channel intermediaries in International Market
Channel intermediaries in International Market         2.5x4
Channel intermediaries in international markets :
Channel intermediaries in international markets can be divided into two categories, that is, agents and merchant intermediaries. Agents do not take the title of the goods but they represent the principal firms. On the other hand, merchant intermediaries take the title of the goods and they buy and sell it on their own behalf. Distributors work on profit margins whereas agents work on commission basis.

A brief description of the various channel intermediaries is given bel

 Q.3: Explain Export/ Import Transaction Framework
Export/ Import Transaction Framework        10
Export/ Import Transaction Framework :       
Export transaction starts when an exporter finds a buyer in a foreign country and enters into
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MKT403 - E-Marketing

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MKT403 – E-Marketing
Q.1 Explain the definition, history and features of E-Marketing.
a) Definition
b) History
c) Features
Definition of E-Marketing
E-marketing, or electronic marketing, is the process in which marketing principles and methods are applied via the electronic media, in particular, through the Internet. The terms e-marketing, Internet marketing and online marketing, are often used interchangeably and can generally be regarded as synonymous of each other. E-Marketing helps a company generate awareness and product information, as well

Q.2 There are several stages that take place before the product reaches a customer, explain the process of online buying.
Explanation of the stages.        10
Answer :
Process of online buying :
Online Buying Process
Online buying appears to be a smooth and simple process, but there are several stages that take place before the product reaches a customer . These Stages are :

Placement of

Q.3 List and explain the Internal and External Considerations in Situational Analysis.
a) Explanation of Internal Considerations.         5
b) Explanation of External Considerations.        5
Answer :
Internal Considerations :

Internal considerations include organizational structure and culture, SWOT analysis of workforce, existence of competitive advantage, and budget.

Organizational Structure and culture: The organizational structure and culture play a major role in how an e-marketing plan shapes up. For example, a company with a flat organization and one with less hierarchy or an open culture has greater openness, sharing, transparency and team-fostering among employees.

Q.1 What is direct response marketing? Explain its features and forms.
a) Explanation of Direct Response Marketing   2
b) Features        2
c) Forms             6
Answer :
Direct Response Marketing :
Direct response marketing is a type of sales technique designed to evoke an on-the-spot response and encourage a prospective customer to take action by opting in advertiser’s offer. Unlike other marketing types, the direct response requires little or no time waiting to see measurable results. Advertisers are able to access the performance from the moment the campaign is launched. Direct response marketing facilitates the delivery of a “call to action” via direct or online interaction. Direct response marketing could be found nearly in all forms of advertising, including TV commercials,

Q.2 What are Blogs? List its Advantages and Disadvantages.
a) Definition of Blogs                2
b) Advantages of Blogs            4
c) Disadvantages of Blogs       4
Answer :        
Blogs :

A blog is a discussion or information site published on the World Wide Web, consisting of discrete entries (or what is called ‘posts’) displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Companies could start their own blog where the product information is shared by many users. Also a good blog about the company’s product could spread a good word of mouth in

Q.3  Explain E-CRM (E-Customer Relationship Management). Elucidate the prerequisites of E-CRM.
a) Explanation of E-CRM       5
b) Prerequisites of E-CRM     5
Answer :
Concept of E-CRM :
CRM is but a broader and much refined term. It not only deals with mere saving of customer information, but is a process of flow of information across the organization. e-CRM is an effort of putting the customer in the centre position of any business’ integral processes. e-CRM is one

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MKT402 - Advertising Management and Sales Promotion

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration - MBA
MKT402 - Advertising Management and Sales Promotion
Assignment Set -1

Q.1: Explain various kinds of advertising objectives.
Kinds of advertising objectives      10
Kinds of Advertising Objectives :

A company does not release entertaining television commercials or colorful press ads spending millions of rupees for some entertaining or artistic reason. It approaches an advertising agency because it has an urgent need in hand, often a serious problem. An advertiser usually has one or couple of the following objectives for any campaign:

       Increase brand awareness – Sometimes even a brand selling well may have poor brand awareness, especially in FMCG. The users may be habitual buyers with no great awareness of the

Q.2 Write short notes on:
i. Consumer Advertising      2.5
ii. Advertorial Advertising    2.5
iii. Retail Advertising              2.5
iv. Cooperative Advertising     2.5
Answer :

Consumer advertising: These are the prima donnas of advertising, the most visible, expensive, lavish, most frequently repeated in multiple media and the most entertaining of the genre. Naturally, such ads attract the best of the professional creative talent. Since they have to be repeated endlessly to beat competition, the copies are designed to withstand the boredom of repetition. They attempt to influence the target either to switch a brand or to continue using the advertised brand. These are FMCG products like food, clothes and household appliances and

Q.3 : Explain various innovative use of media in rural areas.
Innovative use of media in rural areas      10
Innovative Use of Media in Rural Areas :

In spite of the fundamental differences in urban and rural psychology and buying patterns, marketers use most of the true and tried mass media for rural marketing also. The immense diversity of rural cultures and low literacy just make it more challenging. A successful campaign mixes the traditional and modern media cleverly to get the best results. The following mass media is used for

Assignment Set -2

Q.1 Explain various forms of ethical violations as far as advertising is concerned.
Various forms of ethical violations as far as advertising is concerned    10
Answer :
Various forms of ethical violations as far as advertising is concerned :   

       Misleading advertising :
Misleading advertising means any advertising, which in any way deceives or is likely to deceive consumers, and is likely to affect their economic behaviour or injure a competitor. Thus, false or deceptive comparative advertising is also a type of misleading advertising. While obvious misleading advertisements are covered by the Consumer Protection Act of 1986, some ads can be so subtle that it is difficult to nail advertisers on legal grou

Q.2 Explain various strengths and limitations of sales promotion.
Strengths of sales promotion      5
Limitations of sales promotion      5
Answer :
Strengths of sales promotion:
Sales promotion techniques yield results that many other marketing communication elements cannot achieve. For example, it can turn around a sales trend in the short run, help introduce a new product by encouraging retail and consumer acceptance, reinforce messages driven by other

Q.3: Write short notes on:
i. The sunshine economy and generation me      5
ii. Brat Power            5
The sunshine economy and Generation Me :
In 2008–09, Indian economy along with the rest of the world was quiet when buying was cautious and restrained. But this was a passing phase and did not change the fundamental shifts in the personality and aspirations of people in general. Ordinarily, evolution does not

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MKT401 - Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration - MBA
MKT401 - Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
Assignment Set -1

Q.1 : What are the various criteria on which market segmentation can be made?
Various criteria on which market segmentation can be made     10
Answer :

Various criteria on which market segmentation can be made :    
From mass marketing, marketers have switched over to targeting segmented markets. This approach offers a number of advantages. Under the mass marketing approach, the marketers consider the whole market as an undifferentiated one and adopt the same marketing mix strategies without any differentiation for attaining marketing goals. This approach can work as long as the market size is small and easily approachable. In today’s context, market size has expanded in all respects.

Q.2 : Write a short note on Gap Analysis.
Gap Analysis     10
Answer :
Gap Analysis :
Another approach towards achieving conformance in services is to identify various gaps that occur during the service process. Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman came up with four such gaps that occur during service processing within the organization. They all lead to the most severe gap, that is, the gap between what the customers expected out of a service and what, according to the

Q.3 : Write Short notes on
i. Flanking Attack       2.5
ii. Guerrilla Attack      2.5
iii. Flanking Attack      2.5
iv. Bypass Attack          2.5

Answer :
Flanking attack:

Flanking attack involves attacking unguarded or weakly guarded grounds. It means attacking geographical areas or market segments where the defender is poorly represented. The market does not consider the segment lucrative and allows the initial incursion. The attack by Japanese companies in the US car market was a flanking attack. The Japanese attacked the small car segment, from which they expanded into other segments. The advantage of a flanking attack is that it does not provoke the same kind of response as a head on confrontation. Since the defender is not challenged in its main market segment, there is chance that it will ignore the challenger’s initial success. If the defender dallies too long, the flank segment can

Assignment Set -2
Q.1 : Explain CRM. What are the various types of CRM? Also explain the four steps that service providers should bear in mind while implementing one-to-one marketing.
CRM       3
Types of CRM    3
four steps that service providers should bear in mind while implementing one-to-one marketing       4
Customer relationship management (CRM) has to be focused on aligning the business processes with customer strategies employed by the firm. Customer relationship management can be very useful if it works. It allows companies to gather customer data and identifies the most valuable customers over time and increases customer loyalty by providing customized products and services. It also reduces the cost of serving these customers and makes it easier to acquire similar

Q.2 : Write short notes on IT initiatives taken by:
i. Railways
ii. Banking
IT initiatives taken by Railways     5
IT initiatives taken by Banking        5
Answer :

IT initiatives taken by Railways :
The railroad industry is the backbone of the country’s economy. So, for better economic growth, the rail network has to be effective, efficient and timely. In case of the Indian Railways, which is one of the largest rail networks of the world, it has to manage 11000 trains everyday covering around 108,706 kilometers connecting 6,853 stations and a 1.54 million workfor

Q.3 : Explain some of the requisites essential for an organization to be effective in its acquisition efforts.
Requisites essential for an organization to be effective in its acquisition efforts.     10
Answer :
Requisites essential for an organization to be effective in its acquisition efforts :

The organization should have a detailed database containing the classification of its target market and related details which may help in making the process of acquisition effective.

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