Wednesday, 3 January 2018

HRM301-Manpower Planning and Resourcing

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
HRM301-Manpower Planning and Resourcing-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1765)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. What are the key human resource elements?
Answer. Basically human resource management entails recruiting, hiring and management of workers. Although productive human resource management involves more details which includes organization culture and welfare of employees which is basically health and safety issues. Main elements of human resource management include:
Q2. What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and advantages of HRA.
Answer. Meaning:
Human resources are considered as important assets and are different from the physical assets. Physi­cal assets do not have feelings and emotions, whereas human assets are subjected to various types of feelings and emotions. In the same way, unlike physical assets human assets never get depreciated.
Q3. What is Manpower Planning? Mention five essential elements/steps of manpower planning.
Answer. Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource Planning has got an important place in the arena of industrialization. Human Resource Planning has to be a systems approach and is carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows:
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Q1. Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process
Answer. General Process of Employee Exit
Ø  A four-phase process is recommended to complete proper closure for employees:
Ø  Begin transfer of employee knowledge
Ø  Complete operational responsibilities
Ø  Document the employee’s key impressions of their employment experience
Q2. What are the benefits of setting up a training academy?
Answer. The key benefits
Once you have setup the basics for your internal academy, you start tapping in to some of the real benefits:
Ø  Reduced Hiring Costs – As lesser number of employees will bemired by using consultants and more number of students will be hired from the training academy, the hiring cost is reduced. Also the organization generates revenue on every candidate trained.
Ø  Reduced Training Cost – During the training period the candidates are not paid salary, so the cost of salaries paid during the training period is saved. The cost of salaries is a big

Q3.  Write short notes on the following:
a. Competency Mapping
b. Succession Planning
Answer. a. Competence Mapping
Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. A competency is defined as a behavior (i.e. communication, leadership) rather than a skill or ability.
positions at the same level.

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