Wednesday, 27 November 2013

QM0018 – Quality Development Methods

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
QM0018–Quality Development Methods-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1351)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. Performance analysis is an assessment of process, equipment, employee or any other factor to gauge the progress towards predetermined goals. Explain briefly the steps for conducting performance analysis. What are the advantages of performance analysis?
Answer. Performance analysis is an assessment of process, equipment, employee, or any other factor to gauge progress towards predetermined goals. It is guided and assessed by effectiveness, efficiency, and equity. Front-end performance analysis is one of the most important investments that the organizations should make to achieve maximum return on all other investments in human performance.

Q2. Discuss supplier development process. Explain the reasons for supplier development.
Answer. Supplier development can be loosely defined as the process of working collaboratively with suppliers to improve or expand their capabilities. An example may be teaching a supplier how to manufacture a type of item that they never manufactured before for the purposes of giving you the
Q3. Describe the features of Total Systems Intervention (TSI). Explain the phases in TSI Process.
Answer. Total Systems Intervention (TSI) was originally introduced in 1991 by Flood and Jackson as a methodology intended to enable practicing managers to operationalize the philosophy and principles of Critical Systems Thinking (CST). The CST movement is based on five commitments: critical awareness, social awareness, complementary at the theoretical level, complementary at the methodological level, and a commitment to human well-being and emancipation.
Q4. Stakeholder participation improves the organizational processes. Explain importance and principles of stakeholder participation.
Answer. Stakeholder engagement is the process by which an organization involves people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence the implementation of its decisions. They may support or oppose the decisions, be influential in the organization or within the community in which it operates, holds relevant official positions or be affected in the long term.
Stakeholder engagement is a key part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and achieving the triple bottom

Q5. Discuss the stages of Benchmarking. Briefly explain the types of benchmarking.
Answer. Benchmarking can be defined as the systematic process of comparing an organization’s products, services and practices against those of competitor organizations or other industry leaders to determine what it is they do that allows them to achieve high levels of performance.
Types of Benchmarking:
There are several types of benchmarking, now will discuss about generic, functional, process, product, global, strategic and operational benchmarking.
1. Generic benchmarking: It is a form of external benchmarking. It is a performance enhancement

Q6. Explain DMAIC and DMADV models. Distinguish between DMAIC and DMADV.
Answer. DMAIC (define measure, analyze, improve, control) is an approach to problem-solving defined as part of the Six Sigma management philosophy.
1. Define: State the problem, specify the customer set, identify the goals, and outline the target process.
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