Sunday, 14 June 2015

MU0015–Compensation and Benefits

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0015–Compensation and Benefits-4 Credits
(Book ID: B1859)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions must be written within 300 to 400 words each. Each Question carries 10 marks 6 X 10=60.
Q1. (i) What is meant by “compensation management”?
(ii) Organizations design out the employee compensation packages based on some ‘compensation’ and ‘non-compensation’ dimensions. Describe in brief the compensation’ dimensions.
Answer. (i) Meaning of compensation management - Compensation management is a general policy, implemented in conjunction with specialized software, designed to help an organization maximize the returns on available talent. The ultimate goal is to reward the right people to the greatest extent for the most relevant reasons.
Multiple Dimensions of Compensation
Money is a one-dimensional linear tool for exchanging goods and services and measuring wealth. We develop unfortunate misperceptions when we when project the linear one-dimensional nature of money onto wealth, or quality of life, which are non-linear multidimensional concepts. We've already looked at the multidimensional nonlinear nature of wealth and the major dimensions by which we spend our money. Now we wish to
Q2. Explain the steps involved in designing a salary structure. List the components of pay structure.
Answer. Ten steps for building a salary structure:-
1 -Establish your compensation philosophy. Each employer needs a policy which outlines their desired market position. What percentile of the market is your target?   Which comparators are appropriate?  Is the target the same for all grades?   A well-articulated compensation policy provides valuable guidance for the development of a salary structure.  In large organizations, there is often a corporate policy which forms the basis for local policies.
Q3. Define the term ‘wage’. Write a brief note on ‘wage policy’.
Answer. A wage is monetary compensation (or remuneration) paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done. Payment may be calculated as a fixed amount for each task completed (a task wage or piece rate), or at an hourly or daily rate, or based on an easily measured quantity of work done.
A pronounced decline in manufacturing jobs occurred among workers in the bottom decile, both for men and women. This partly reflected a long term trend, but it also included the consequence of the 1991 recession, which marked a
Q5. Define ‘reward management’. What are its aims? Explain the factors affecting reward management policies in service sector.
Answer. Definition of reward management - Reward management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization.
2. Aims of
Q6. Who are ‘Expatriates’? What are the objectives of ‘Expatriate compensation’? Differentiate between Financial (extrinsic) compensation and Non-financial
Answer. Meaning of expatriates 'Expatriate' An individual living in a country other than their country of citizenship, often temporarily and for work reasons. An expatriate can also be an individual who has relinquished citizenship in their home country to become a citizen of another.
Objectives of expatriate compensation - Major objectives on which most of the expatriate compensation plans are designed are mentioned below:-
Most expatriate compensation plans are designed to achieve four major objectives:
1.      Attract employees who

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